Ice & Water
(some models)
This ice and water filter system, filters water
to your ice maker and water dispenser. It is
located in the upper right back corner of
the fresh food compartment (see Figure 3).
Water supply does not need to be turned
off. However, DO NOT use ice and water
dispenser while installing filter. Refer to
Figure 3 as you complete these instructions.
The filter cartridge has already been
installed in the filter housing at the factory.
Refer to the “ICE AND WATER DIS-
PENSER” Section to properly fill the system
with water.
Water quality varies throughout the world.
To ensure the highest possible water
quality, change the filter every 6 months or
1514 liters. The Filter Status light will rurn
RED aftre 1514 liters of water has flowed
through the ice and water dispenser. Also, if
filter has been in a refrigerator that has not
been in use for awhile (during moving for
example), change filter before reinstalling
NOTE: Dispenser system will also operate
without filtration (with filter cartridge
The Change Filter Indicator Light will light
up each time the dispenser is used. The
following Filter Light Indications are:
• Green - the filter is still operating within
its specified cycle.
• Amber - The filter has reached approxi-
mately 80% of its useful life. This is the
recommended time to purchase a
replacement filter cartridge.
• Red - The filter is 100% used up. Change
the filter as soon as possible.
After the filter cartridge has been changed,
press and hold the “Filter Light Reset”
indicator for the amount oft ime indicatd
below. If the filter indicator was:
• Red - Press for 3 - 5 seconds to RESET
• Amber - Press for 3 - 5 seconds to RESET
• Green - Press for 10 - 12 seconds to RESET
NOTE: The Green light will flash when
RESET is completed.