Take on five different game modes in The Run.
Sprint Race
Finish a section of The Run ahead of a certain number of racers.
Time Challenge
Finish a section of The Run as quickly as possible to make up for lost time.
Battle Mode
Pass another skilled racer within a certain time limit to get to the next racer.
Race for your life!
A sneak peak at an upcoming event; it allows you to preview a car you haven’t unlocked yet.
Beating The Run
Extreme difficulty is unlocked after you beat The Run. This difficulty level challenges the extent of your driving
abilities. Play through The Run multiple times to improve your Autolog times and earn new rewards.
Online Multiplayer racing pits you against seven other drivers in competitive sprint races online.
Select a Playlist
Each Playlist offers a specific racing theme—from racing sport cars in the city at night, to muscle cars
battling on the open freeways.
Each Playlist runs multiple races in a row to form Race Sessions. Players can vote on each session,
which determines the types of cars, performance, and tracks that will be run.
The Bonus Wheel appears during voting, offering a random bonus prize that is awarded after
each session!
To unlock new Playlists, complete online objectives.
Every Playlist allows you to increase your XP when you complete objectives.
You always have three objectives, and when you finish one objective, another one replaces it until all
objectives are completed.
The harder the objective, the more XP you earn when you complete it.
If you start or join a Playgroup, you can complete special Playgroup objectives for even more XP.
Join or invite your Friends into a Playgroup to enjoy special racing benefits together.
When in a Playgroup, new group objectives are available to complete. They require you to work
together with your Friends to complete them.
Completing group objectives allows you to earn far more XP and cool new rewards.