Access the Settings menu to adjust screen settings, game settings, and controller settings, or
to look at the controller map.
A/V Settings Adjust brightness and volume settings, and turn subtitles on
or off.
Game Settings Turn Co-op Partner Locator on or off, choose whether or not to
skip tutorials, toggle vibration settings, and adjust aiming.
Controller Settings Invert the x-axis and y-axis as desired and adjust the
controller sensitivity.
Controller Map Look at the default controls and alternate control schemes.
Kinect Commands Look at the Kinect commands and use the Kinect Tuner.
downloadaBle content
View a list of features and items available for purchase, including suits, weapons, resource and
weapons packs, Scavenger Bot upgrades, and new episodes.
Access Extras to redeem a code to download new content, activate your online pass, view your
progress, refresh your memory on Dead Space’s backstory, and view the credits.
Redeem Content Redeem a code for downloadable content.
Online Pass Activate your online pass to enjoy online functionality.
Progress and Unlocks Browse your completion by difficulty level in each chapter, view
the number of artifacts recovered, and more.
Previously On Watch a video that helps catch you up on the lore and backstory
of Dead Space.
Credits View the credits for Dead Space 3.
savInG and loadInG
The Autosave feature saves your progress and inventory at checkpoints. To reload from your
last checkpoint, press > and select CHECKPOINT RESTART.
MaIn Menu
This menu appears before you begin your current gameplay session and provides access to
Solo Campaign, Co-Op Campaign, Game Modes, Settings, Downloadable Content, and Extras.
solo caMPaIGn
Select to launch a single-player game, continue from your last checkpoint, or replay parts of
the campaign.
Continue from Last Save
Play from your last checkpoint.
Continue Story Play from the most recent point in the story you have reached.
Chapter Select Select a previously played chapter and choose a checkpoint to
replay part of the game.
co-oP caMPaIGn
Select to join a public co-op game, find friends currently in-game, create a private game with
friends, or launch a public game for other players to join.
Quick Match Join a public game that’s currently in progress.
Find Friends’ Games Check to see if friends are currently playing public games of
Dead Space 3™.
Create Private Game Create a co-op campaign that can be joined by invitation only.
Create Public Game Create a co-op game that’s open for any player to join.
new GaMe+ Modes
Play Dead Space 3 in a different way from the normal campaign. Complete the game on any
difficulty level to unlock these additional modes.
New Game+ This game mode is locked until you complete the game once.
Your inventory and weapons will carry forward, although your
chapter progress will be reset.
Classic This game mode is in the spirit of the original Dead Space™.
Pure Survival This game mode emphasizes resource management.
Hardcore This game mode provides a challenge beyond even the Hard
and Impossible modes.