PowerPath for UNIX Installation and Administration Guide
PowerPath Administration on Solaris
powercf scans HBAs for single-ported and multiported storage
system logical devices and compares those logical devices with
PowerPath device entries in
Runs powercf in quiet mode.
powercf -q updates the emcp.conf file by removing PowerPath
devices not found in the HBA scan and adding new PowerPath
devices that were found. It saves a primary and an alternate path
to each PowerPath device.
powercf -q runs automatically during system boot.
Configures an SRDF-enabled server to be bootable from an R2
mirror of a Symmetrix-based emcpower boot disk by a remote
powercf -Z should be run manually whenever such a server's
Symmetrix volume configuration changes due to the addition or
deletion of volumes.
Error Messages
PowerPath reports any errors, diagnostic messages, and failover
recovery messages to the system console and to the file
/var/adm/messages. Refer to the PowerPath Product Guide for a
complete list of PowerPath error messages.