EMC Fibre Channel Storage-System Configuration Planning
Planning File Systems and LUNs with Shared Switched Storage
LUN Details Worksheet
Storage system (complete this section once for each storage system)
Storage-system number or name:______
Storage-system installation type
❏ Unshared Direct ❏ Shared-or-Clustered Direct ❏ Shared Switched
SP FC-AL address ID (unshared only): SP A:_____SP B:_____
SP memory (Mbytes): SP A:___ SP B:____
❏Use for caching Read cache size:__ MB Write cache size: __ MB Cache page size:___KB
❏ Use for RAID 3
LUN ID:_____
RAID Group ID: Size,GB: LUN size,GB: Disk IDs: SP: ❏A ❏ B
RAID type: ❏ RAID 5 ❏ RAID 3 - Memory, MB:___ ❏ RAID 1 mirrored pair ❏ RAID 0
❏ RAID 1/0 ❏ Individual disk ❏ Hot spare
Caching: ❏Read and write ❏Write ❏Read ❏ None
Servers that can access this LUN:
Operating system information: Device name: File system, partition, or drive:
LUN ID:____
RAID Group ID: Size,GB: LUN size,GB: Disk IDs: SP: ❏A ❏B
RAID type: ❏ RAID 5 ❏ RAID 3 - Memory, MB:___ ❏ RAID 1 mirrored pair ❏ RAID 0
❏ RAID 1/0 ❏ Individual disk ❏ Hot spare
Caching: ❏Read and write ❏ Write ❏ Read ❏ None
Servers that can access this LUN:
Operating system information: Device name: File system, partition, or drive:
LUN ID:____
RAID Group ID: Size,GB: LUN size,GB: Disk IDs: SP: ❏A ❏B
RAID type: ❏ RAID 5 ❏ RAID 3 - Memory, MB:___ ❏ RAID 1 mirrored pair ❏ RAID 0
❏ RAID 1/0 ❏ Individual disk ❏ Hot spare
Caching: ❏Read and write ❏ Write ❏ Read ❏ None
Servers that can access this LUN:
Operating system information: Device name: File system, partition, or drive: