Option Description
Outputs Held at Last
During the test, all outputs will report the last measured value of their
assigned process variable. The test will run for approximately
140 seconds.
Outputs Held at Fault
During the test, all outputs will go to their configured fault action. The
test will run for approximately 140 seconds.
Test progress is displayed on the screen.
View the test results and take any appropriate actions.
9.2.4 View test data
You can view the results of the current test. You can also view results from previous tests.
The transmitter stores the following information about the last twenty Smart Meter
Verification tests:
• Powered-on hours at the time of the test.
• Test result (Pass, Fail, Abort).
• Stiffness of the left and right pickoffs, shown as percentage variation from the
factory value. If the test aborted, 0 is stored for these values.
• Abort code, if applicable.
In addition, ProLink II and ProLink III provide a detailed test reporting and analysis
framework. This information is stored on the PC where ProLink II or ProLink III is installed. It
• Timestamp from the PC clock
• Current flowmeter identification data
• Current flow and density configuration parameters
• Current zero values
• Current process values for mass flow rate, volume flow rate, density, temperature,
and external pressure
• Customer and test descriptions (if entered by the user)
If you use ProLink II or ProLink III to run a test, a test result chart and a test report are
displayed at the completion of the test. On-screen directions are provided to manipulate
the test data or export the data to a CSV file for offline analysis.
View test result data using ProLink II
1. Choose Tools > Meter Verification > Run Meter Verification and click View Previous Test Results
and Print Report.
The chart shows test results for all tests stored in the ProLink II database.
Measurement support
Configuration and Use Manual 119