
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4811, Rev CA
February 2006
Rosemount 3300 Series
Logging and saving to disk
The Waveform plot can be automatically logged and saved to file by
specifying the read plot interval and the number of plots to log.
Figure 6-3. Disk logging
Waveform plot
The Read Plot Interval entry field specifies the time interval between plots
that are saved to disk. For example, type 10 if you want the waveform plot to
be updated every ten minutes.
Number of plots to log specifies the maximum number of plot files that will
be stored. The default value is 100.
Click the Start Disk Logging button to start the log. Make sure that Read
Action type is set to Multiple Read. Otherwise RCT will only save one log file.
Choose a destination folder and enter a file name. For each new file the
corresponding number is appended to the end of the file name.
Start disk logging
Start monitoring
Number of plots
Read plot interval
Read action type