Reference Manual
00809-0100-4860, Rev BC
Section 2: Installation
January 2013
2.2 Commissioning
Commission the Rosemount 8600D before putting it into operation. This ensures proper
configuration and operation of the meter. It also enables you to check hardware settings, test
the flowmeter electronics, verify flowmeter configuration data, and check output variables. Any
problems can be corrected – or configuration settings changed – before going out into the
installation environment. To commission on the bench, connect the Field Communicator or
Asset Management Solutions
(AMS) software (or other communications device) to the signal
loop in accordance with the specifications for your communicator.
2.2.1 General considerations
Before you install a flowmeter in any application, you must consider flowmeter sizing (the line
size) and location. Choose the correct flowmeter size for an application to increase rangeability
and minimize pressure drop and cavitation. Proper location of the flowmeter can ensure a clean
and accurate signal. Follow the installation instructions carefully to reduce start-up delays, ease
maintenance, and ensure optimum performance.
2.2.2 Flowmeter sizing
Correct meter sizing is important for flowmeter performance. The Rosemount 8600D is capable
of processing signals from flow applications within the limitations described in Appendix A:
Reference data. Full scale is continuously adjustable within these ranges.
To determine the correct flowmeter size for an application, process conditions must be within
the stated requirements for Reynolds number and velocity. See Appendix A: Reference data for
sizing data.
Contact your local Rosemount Inc. sales representative to obtain a copy of Instrument Toolkit
which contains a sizing module for the Rosemount 8600D Vortex flowmeter. The vortex sizing
module will calculate valid flowmeter sizes based on user-supplied application information.
2.2.3 Flowmeter orientation
Design process piping so the meter body will remain full, with no entrapped air. Allow enough
straight pipe both upstream and downstream of the meter body to ensure a nonskewed,
symmetrical profile. Install valves downstream of the meter when possible.
Vertical installation
Vertical installation allows upward process liquid flow and is generally preferred. Upward flow
ensures that the meter body always remains full and that any solids in the fluid are evenly
The vortex meter can be mounted in the vertical down position when measuring gas or steam
flows. This type of application should be strongly discouraged for liquid flows, although it can
be done with proper piping design.
To ensure that the meter body remains full, avoid downward vertical
liquid flows where back pressure is inadequate.