• Exact wording of any messages that appear on your screen.
• What you were doing when the problem occurred.
• How you tried to solve the problem.
Need on-site help? Control Techniques provides service, in most cases, the next day. Just call
Control Techniques’ technical service center when on-site service or maintenance is required.
Training Services (952) 995-8000 or (800) 397-3786
Email: training@emersonct.com
Control Techniques maintains a highly trained staff of instructors to familiarize customers
with Control Techniques’ “Motion Made Easy” products and their applications. A number of
courses are offered, many of which can be taught in your plant upon request.
Application Engineering (952) 995-8000 or (800) 397-3786
Email: applengr@emersonct.com
An experienced staff of factory application engineers provides complete customer support for
tough or complex applications. Our engineers offer you a broad base of experience and
knowledge of electronic motion control applications.
Customer Service (Sales) (952) 995-8000 or (800) 397-3786
Email: sales@emersonct.com
Authorized Control Techniques distributors may place orders directly with our Customer
Service department. Contact the customer Service department at this number for the
distributor nearest you.
Document Conventions
Manual conventions have been established to help you learn to use this manual quickly and
easily. As much as possible, these conventions correspond to those found in other
Ò WindowsÒ documentation.
Menu names and options are printed in bold type: the File menu.
Dialog box names begin with uppercase letters: the Axis Limits dialog box.
Dialog box field names are in quotes: “Field Name.”
Button names are in italic: OK button.
Source code is printed in Courier font: Case ERMS.