MAN-0076 Rev 05 Millennium II
December 07, 2012
Net Safety Monitoring Inc
1. Enter the main menu by activating any key to get the “enter main menu” prompt, then activate switch 1 to
select “yes”.
2. Activate the up key (switch 1) or down key (switch 2) until “Relay Assignment?” is displayed.
3. Activate the enter key (switch 3) to enter the option. The sub menu: ‘Alarm Relay 1’, ‘Alarm Relay 2’, ‘Alarm
Relay 3’ as well as ‘Exit’ will be displayed.
4. Choose the Alarm relay (Alarm relay 1, Alarm relay 2, Alarm relay 3) for configuration, by using the up-
down arrow keys.
5. Activate the enter key (switch 3) to make the selection. The relay (RL) and channel (CH) with alarm level
setting will be highlighted. The alarm level settings available are: Point 1, Point 2, and Disabled.
6. Under the specific relay with channel, activate the enter key (switch 3) to choose the appropriate setting. See
Table 3 below.
Table 3: Available Millennium II Relay Options
7. Once the appropriate settings are chosen, use the up or down arrow key (switch 1) or (switch 2) and switch 3
to exit.
Example: LEL combustible sensor connected to channel 1 & H2S sensor connected to channel 2.
Step 1- Set Alarm Levels (points): Setup alarm levels for each channel, e.g. Channel 1 point 1 = 20% LEL, Channel 1
point 2 = 40% LEL, Channel 2 point 1 = 10 ppm, and Channel 2 point 2 = 20 ppm. Refer to Section ‘4.2.4: Viewing
and setting alarm levels (points)’ when setting alarm levels.
Step 2 - Set Relay Options: Each alarm relay can be set up for energized or de-energized and latching or non-latching.
Configure alarm relays options as desired. See ‘4.2.5 Setting Relay options’.
Step 3 - Relay Assignment: There are (3) alarm relays and (2) channels. Assign alarm relays to channels as desired,
Alarm relay 1 assigned to Channel 1 Point 1 (20% LEL),
Alarm relay 2 assigned to Channel 2 Point 1 (10 ppm) &
Alarm relay 3 assigned to Channel 1 Point 2 (40% LEL)
Alarm relay 3 assigned to Channel 2 Point 2 (20 ppm).
Relays and Assignment Options
Channel # and Alarm
with channel # and Alarm
points (levels)
with channel # and Alarm
points (levels)
with channel # and Alarm
points (levels)
POINT 1= Alarm level 1
POINT 2= Alarm level 2
Point 1/Point 2/Disabled
Point 1/Point 2/Disabled
Point 1/Point 2/Disabled
POINT 1= Alarm level 1
POINT 2= Alarm level 2
Point 1/ Point 2/Disabled
Point 1/ Point 2/Disabled
Point 1/Point 2/Disabled