MAN-0076 Rev 05 Millennium II
December 07, 2012
Net Safety Monitoring Inc
4.3.3 Manual Reset
A Manual Reset is required after a calibration failure or to clear a latched Alarm relay. When a manual reset is done,
the transmitter will return to normal operation.
1. Enter the main menu by activating any key to get the “enter main menu” prompt, then activate switch 1 to
select “yes”.
2. Activate the up key (switch 1) or down key (switch 2) until “Manual Reset?” option is displayed.
3. Activate the enter key (switch 3) to display the sub menu: ‘Initiate Reset’.
4. Select “yes” using switch 1 to reset.
4.3.4 Self Test Relay
The Self test relay option continuously turns relays on and off to ensure that they are functioning properly. The
Fault Relay is tested first, automatically followed tests on Relay 1, 2, and 3. After the relays have been tested,
“Relay Test Complete” will be displayed. See steps to initiate relay self test below.
Proper functioning electromechanical relays have a clicking sound during this test. If the Millennium II
Transmitter is equipped with Solid State relays, then an Ohm meter must be used to check the changes in
resistance values between contacts.
Warning When checking self-test relay function, ensure all external equipment is disabled to prevent
unwanted alarm activation. Enable external equipment once testing is completed.
1. Enter the main menu by activating any key to get the “enter main menu” prompt, then activate switch 1 to
select “yes”.
2. Activate the up arrow key (switch 1) or down arrow key (switch 2) until “Self test Relay?” option is displayed.
3. Activate the enter key (switch 3) to display the sub menu: ‘Self Test Relay. Caution, will trip alarm’.
4. Select “yes” using switch 1. ‘Ensure alarm response items are disconnected’ will be displayed.
5. Ensure all external alarm devices are de-activated, and then select “yes” using switch 1.
6. After test is successfully completed, select “Exit”.
If a relay is malfunctioning, the transmitter should be sent to Net Safety’s Service Department for repair.
4.3.5 Sensor Upper Limit (Range)
This option is used to set the upper limit (range) of the gas being detected. The upper limit will vary depending on the
sensor used and may not be selectable for all sensors.
1. Enter the main menu by activating any key to get the “enter main menu” prompt, then activate switch 1 to
select “yes”.
2. Activate the up key (switch 1) or down key (switch 2), until “Sensor Upper Limit (Range)”option is displayed.
3. Activate the enter key (switch 3) to display the sub menu: ‘CH1: range’, ‘CH2: range’.