
Pressure Switch
Alco Controls
PS3__35003_EN_R08.doc 7 / 10 09.08.2011
Selection Sheet
For selection and sample request please fill-in complete
Note: not each combination is possible
Type code PS3 - - cut-in / cut-out
Product Name
PS3: Compact fixed setting pressostat
PSC: Customer special version of PS3
A: Pressure control, automatic, hp and lp
R: Pressure control, external manual reset, hp and lp
W: Pressure limiter, automatic TÜV Range 1-5
(high temperature Range 6, O, F, X only)
B: Pressure cut-out, external manual reset
TÜV Range 1-5
(high temperature, Range 6, O, F, X only)
S: Safety pressure cut-out, internal manual reset
TÜV Range 1-5
(high temperature, Range 6, O, F, X only)
Pressure Range / Contacts
Standard Contacts Microswitch
1: lp max 6 bar J: lp max 6 bar
3: lp max 16 bar L: lp max 16 bar
4: hp max 30 bar M: hp max 30 bar
5: hp max 30 bar N: hp max 30 bar
6: hp max 43 bar O: hp max 43 bar
Gold Plated Contacts Microswitch(Gold Plated Contacts)
A: lp max 6 bar S: lp max 6 bar
C: lp max 16 bar U: lp max 16 bar
D: hp max 30 bar V: hp max 30 bar
E: hp max 30 bar W: hp max 30 bar
F: hp max 43 bar X: hp max 43 bar
Pressure Connectors
A: 7/16”-20 UNF male (Range 1-5), with console
G: G¼" female brass
K: 1 m cap. tube w. flare nut 7/16”-20UNF
(Range 1-5), with console
L: ¼”-ODM solder with 1 m cap. tube (Range 1-5),
with console
R: G¼" male brass
S: 7/16"-20 UNF female, Schrader depressor
(Range 6 with snubber)
U: 6 mm ODF brazing, with console
(Range 6 with snubber)
X: 1/4" ODF brazing, with console
(Range 6 with snubber)