GL815E Endura Motherboard Product Manual
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If the update operation fails for any reason (if it was interrupted, for example), and the motherboard
will no longer operate, then the BIOS must be recovered.
4.2.3 Creating a BIOS Recovery Diskette
Follow the steps below. You need a PC with Microsoft MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98 or
Windows NT and a blank diskette.
". Obtain the update ZIP file from the Manuals, Drivers & BIOS section on the RadiSys web site,
2. Unzip the contents to an empty directory on your hard drive.
3. Insert a blank diskette into the floppy drive.
4. Run CRISDISK /R from the directory created in step 2 and follow the steps as directed to create
the recovery diskette. A copy of MS-DOS ‘Format.com’ must be available for CRISDISK to
complete successfully.
4.2.4 Recovering the System BIOS
The recovery diskette should be used to recover a system BIOS when the motherboard no longer
operates after a failed BIOS update operation. The process is described below.
". Remove the operating mode selection jumper to place the board into the recover mode
(see Configuration section of this document).
A. Turn off the power.
B. Remove any covers to gain access to the jumper.
C. Remove the jumper from the operating mode selection block
2. Insert the recovery diskette into the floppy drive.
3. Power up the motherboard. You will hear the following audio signals if you have a speaker
connected. If you do not have a speaker, wait for approximately " minute after all activity
has stopped to ensure the operation has completed.
Beep code Definition
One short beep BIOS update begins.
One long beep BIOS update is finished.
Three beeps This indicates an error.
4. Power down the motherboard.
5. If you removed the operating mode jumper,
A. Refit the jumper into the normal operating position.
B. Replace the system cover(s).
6. Power up the motherboard. The recovery process is now complete and the product should
boot normally.
4.2.5 Updating the Flash Bootblock
There is an area of the BIOS ROM, the bootblock, which is normally not updated. It contains code
to perform the recovery process and data that identifies the motherboard. Occasionally, a BIOS
release may require this bootblock area to be updated and the update disk will do this automatically.
However, exercise caution when attempting such an update as a damaged bootblock area means
that the motherboard may need to be returned to RadiSys for repair.
Exercise caution when updating BIOS that includes a bootblock update. If this process is
interrupted, the motherboard cannot be recovered and must be returned to RadiSys for