
C1624M-F (9/07) 165
removing all filters 26
showing offline cameras 25
Focus video controls 29
Hierarchy of devices, viewing the 86
Image recording rates, selecting 82
Intelligent encoders 98
Iris video controls 28
Locations, assigning to devices 88
Logging out of the system 15
about 148
adding entries to the log file 153
alarm filters 151
changing filters to search the log file 150
contents of 148
device filters 151
device type filters 151
exporting the log file 152
filters for 150
printing the log file 152
saving the log file 152
searching for information in 150
system log 56
text filters 151
user filters 151
viewing the log file 149
Mail server setup 81
Main window, description of 16
Monitor configuration
about 103
alert colors 104
alert display locations 104
audio 103
border colors 104
color adjustment 105
color settings 104
color settings for text 104
date and time display settings 104
identifying by number 103
motion detection 104
naming a monitor 103
NTSC settings 104
PAL settings 104
screen layout 104
text colors 104
time standards 104
VGA settings 104
Motion detection
configuring 95
encoder configuration 99–100
monitor configuration 104
showing or hiding 32
Navigation pane
camera view 23
Explorer View 23, 27
filtering lists 25
moving the 18
Network video recorder configuration
about 106
general settings 106
storage capacity 106
alarms, responding to 56
monitor configuration 104
picture quality settings 82
NVR configuration, see Network video recorder configuration
NVR configuration, see Network video recorder configuration
monitor configuration 104
picture quality settings 82
Pan and tilt video controls, see PTZ controls
Passwords, see User configuration
activating 45
creating 45
deleting 46
programming patterns for cameras 45
stopping 45
using 45
access to devices 117
access to services 116
roles configuration 114
system-level permissions 114
user configuration 123
Picture quality
NTSC or PAL 82
overriding system settings for individual cameras 94
using the system setting 83
Playback controls
Endura Player 156
keystrokes associated with 72
on-screen controls 71
about 47
activating 47
deleting 47
recording 47
enhanced search results lists 70
advanced device properties 34
viewing diagnostic information for devices 35
viewing properties for devices 34
PTZ controls
about 31
activating a pattern 45
Endura Player 157
pan to zero 31
patterns 45, 47