
While in the ATTACHED state, the Status Screen provides three main areas
of modem data monitoring:Connection Status/Signal Strength/Battery
Above the Connection Status area is the name of the Service Provider and the
PLMN ( Public LAN Mobile Network) currently in use.
Enfora, Inc. 661 East 18th Street Plano, TX 75074-5601 www.enfora.com
Connection Status descriptions are:
Not Attached = Modem is not attached to the network. Windows CE icon is .RedRed
Off = Modem is powered off. Win CE icon is Grey.
Trying = Modem is trying to attach to the network. Win CE icon is .Yellow
Atached = While Attached to the network, you can receive (SMS) and make phone calls.
You can NOT pass IP data such as Internet activity or email. Windows CE icon is .GreenGreen
GPRS Data Enabled = Modem is GPRS data enabled and IP data activity is allowed.
Windows CE icon .Flashes GreenFlashes Green
Signal Strength descriptions are:
Poor = Windows CE icon is .
Average = Windows CE icon is .
Excellent (Good) = Windows CE icon is .
Signal Strength is also displayed measured in decibels.
Monitoring Modem Status
Connection Status
Signal Strength
Battery Status descriptions are:
PalmĀ® Win CE
Battery Status
Low = WinCE icon .Flashes RedFlashes Red
Average = WinCE icon is .YellowYellow
Good = WinCE icon is .Green
Charging = WinCE icon will .Flash Green
SMS Messages
SMS notifies you if there are any new messages available.
Figure 25 Modem Status