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Cleaning the Burnpot
Along with removing ashes from the stove, cleaning the burnpot is the other
essential part of daily maintenance that will keep the stove operating at its peak.
Pellets contain varying amounts of impurities and fusible material that will
accumulate in the burnpot over time. Some pellets will contain much higher
amounts of these fusible impurities and extra vigilance may be required to
maintain a clean burnpot. Allowing impurities to build up in the burnpot can
restrict the air-flow to the fire, resulting in a dirty, inefficient burn.
Always allow the stove to finish the shut-down cycle and cool completely
before performing any maintenance inside the firebox.
Open the main door of the stove and remove the burnpot by lifting the front
edge first and then simultaneously lifting up and out on the rear of the
burnpot. WARNING – The burnpot can remain HOT long after the fire has
gone out, so wear protective gloves whenever handling a potentially hot
Once the burnpot is out of the stove, use a long handled screwdriver or putty
knife, as previously mentioned, the remove any deposits.
Be certain all air orifices are clear and unrestricted by fusible ash matter; a
fine tipped screwdriver or scratch awl can be useful in removing stubborn
matter from these orifices.
Remove any ash material from the bottom of the cradle and brush any ash
from the top of the cradle into the ash pan below. Keeping the top of cradle
free of ash is crucial in allowing the burnpot to make a positive air-tight seal
with the top of the cradle.
Insert the burnpot back into the cradle using the reverse of the procedure
detailed above.