any firestarter on any hot surface or hot coals. Never use gasoline, lantern fuel, kerosene,
charcoal lighter fluid, diesel fuel or any other flammable liquid to start the fire.
If you have any further problems with the Auto-Start Igniter, call Customer Service.
“E-Codes,” or Error Codes, are codes that will appear in the Heat Range and Blower
Speed windows of the Control Board if your unit experiences problems. If you receive
any of these codes, first attempt to reset your unit by pressing the “ON” button (only
once). If the unit continues to display any E-Code(s), please contact Customer Service
at (800) 245-6489 before further attempting to restart your unit.
1. E-1 = Vacuum Loss
2. E-2 = Fail to Start
3. E-3 = Over Temperature Limit
NOTE: “E-0” indicates “No Error”
First Fire
: Adjust the “Heat Range” to a “5” setting and allow the stove to burn in this
manner for at least three (3) hours. This will allow the unit to “cure out” as the paint
and the oils from the manufacturing process burn off. We recommend you open
doors and windows in your dwelling during this process.
Subsequent Cold Starts
: In a cold start situation, the unit should be operated at a “5”
setting until the room air blower begins to operate.
NOTE: The start-up cycle for this unit with the Auto-Start Igniter is 13 minutes. Press
the “ON” button only once on start-up. Pressing the “ON” button a second time
during the start-up cycle will cause the start-up cycle to begin again.
IMPORTANT: If the unit fails to start properly, or does not properly complete the Shut-Down
procedure, open the closest outside door and a window to eliminate the home’s
natural draft BEFORE opening the stove’s door or hopper lid. This will allow any smoke
to exit through the external air hook-up instead of spilling into the home.
Refer to the following instructions:
Press the “OFF” touch pad to put the stove in the “Shut-Down” mode. There will be
an “S D” in the Heat Range and Blower Speed windows while the unit is shutting down to
verify this. At this time the red light above the “OFF” pad will illuminate. When the “OFF”
pad is touched the top auger will instantly stop feeding pellets to the bottom auger tube, but
the room air blower, exhaust blower and bottom auger will continue to operate. When the
internal temperature drops to 95 degrees the room air blower will cease to operate, and
when the internal temperature drops to 90 degrees the bottom auger and exhaust blower
will stop. The red light will then shut off and the entire stove will be shut down. The hotter the
unit is operating, the longer it will take for the stove to complete the Shut-Down cycle.
Note: The unit will exit the Shut-Down cycle if you press any buttons during Shut-Down
Note: If the room temperature stays above 70 degrees the stove will remain in the Shut
Down mode for 60 minutes, regardless of the temperature reading at the heat sensor. If the
stove stays on longer than 60 minutes the unit will automatically turn off.