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The control board on this stove allows the user to adjust the heat output and
convection blower speed, turn the unit on and off, and test components for function
(more on diagnostic mode later).
• The lower buttons on the control board (Low Fuel Feed, Low Burn Air, and Air
on Temp) are not meant to be adjusted during normal operation of the unit.
These buttons are factory preset and should not be adjusted by the user.
• To energize the unit and initiate a fire, press the “On” button. The LED above
the button should turn green and the control board should display “S U” shortly
after pressing the button.
• To shut the unit down, press the “Off” button. The LED above the button
should turn red and the board should display “S d” shortly after pressing the
button. This initiates the shut down sequence, and the stove will remain in shut
down mode until it has cooled down.
• To increase the heat output of the stove, press the “Up” heat range button. The
number in the heat range display window will increase, signifying that the
control board is now adjusting the heat output to your desired level. The blower
speed will increase the same amount as the heat range, because the stove is
designed to operate with the blower speed greater than or equal to the heat
range. Pressing the “Down” arrow will decrease the heat range and blower
• To increase the blower speed without increasing the heat range, press the
Blower Speed “Up” arrow until the desired blower speed is shown in the
display window. Pressing the “Down” arrow will decrease the blower speed;
however the control board will not allow the blower speed to be set lower than
the heat range.