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Thermostat Operation Details
The 25-EP was designed to operate equally well in both manual and thermostat mode.
While using the control board for heating control gives the user control over the heat
output of the stove, the thermostat allows the stove to “start-up” and “shutdown”
independently which will help maintain your house at a more constant temperature and
save pellet fuel.
The 25-EP can be connected to either a wall thermostat (Part # PU-DTSTAT) or wireless
remote thermostat (Part # AC-3003). Although either thermostat will operate the stove
properly, we highly recommend the wireless thermostat for the convenience of starting
your pellet stove from anywhere in the house.
THERMOSTAT OPERATION: This stove is equipped with a unique, new feature that
allows two options for thermostatic operation: The stove comes from the factory pre-
programmed in “On/Off mode,” which turns the stove on and off when the call for heat
comes or leaves, like a furnace. The second, or “High/Low mode,” burns at whichever
heat range you set the stove at until the call for heat leaves, at which point the stove goes
to the Low heat range setting.
To set the stove in the “High/Low mode,” unplug the unit and plug it back in, then press
and hold both down arrows until H L appears in the heat range and blower speed
windows. The unit is now in “High/Low mode.” (Note: Repeat this to change back to
“On/Off mode;” a 0 0 will appear in the heat range and blower speed windows). Using a
thermostat in On/Off mode may shorten the life of your stove’s igniter.
Please note: Certain units may not respond to this; if your unit does not respond in this
manner please contact Technical Support at (800) 245-6489.
Remember to locate the thermostat near the stove in a central location; putting the
thermostat in a distant room can cause the stove to overheat the room it’s located in
because the thermostat will only sense the temperature of the room in which it is
Although all heat range and blower speed settings are available in thermostat mode, the
two settings specifically designed for thermostat mode are heat ranges 3 and 8.
o Heat range 3 is intended for thermostat operation under normal operating
o Heat range 8 is ideal for thermostat operation in large or poorly insulated homes.