118 The Control Panel
When using cut sheet paper, enter the number of cut sheets set in the printer
and the alert value.
This setting is available only when you select Roll Paper or Cut Sheet as the
PAPER COUNTER setting in Maintenance mode.
You can adjust the distance between the print head and paper. Normally,
leave this set to STANDARD for standard paper. If you find that printed images
are smeared, select WIDE or WIDER. Select NARROW for printing on thin paper, or
WIDEST for printing on thick paper.
This setting will return to STANDARD after you turn the printer off and on.
You can select whether to print the page line (the line that shows where to cut)
on roll paper. Select ON if you want to print the page line, or OFF otherwise.
When you have selected ON, the page line feature functions differently
depending on the paper source setting, as described below.
When Sheet is selected as the paper source, this setting is not available.
You can select an interface to receive your print data. When you select AUTO,
the printer automatically switches between interfaces, depending on which
one is receiving data first. When you select USB or NETWORK, only the selected
interface receives your print data. If no more print job is received, the printer
returns to an idle state after 10 seconds or more.
Paper source setting Printer’s function
Roll Auto Cut On Prints a page line on the right side only, and
cuts paper automatically after the print job.
Roll Auto Cut Off Prints page lines on the right side and below
the data, but does not cut paper
automatically after the print job.