Fax Reception
Your product will automatically receive and print faxes when you set fax reception mode to Auto
If you connected a telephone to your product so you can use the same phone line for faxes and voice
calls, you can also set your product to receive faxes manually. This allows you to check for a fax tone
using the telephone and press a button on your product to receive the fax.
Make sure to load paper in your product and select your fax settings before receiving a fax.
Note: If you run out of paper during fax printing, load more paper and press the button indicated on your
product LCD screen to continue.
Parent topic: Receiving Faxes
Receiving Faxes Automatically (Auto Answer)
To receive and print faxes automatically, you can turn on Auto Answer mode.
Check the Auto Answer light on your product to see if Auto Answer mode is turned on or not.
To turn Auto Answer mode on or off, press the auto answer button.
If an answering machine is connected, make sure the product's Rings to Answer setting is set higher
than the number of rings your answering machine is set to answer a call. For example, if the answering
machine is set to pick up on the fourth ring, set the product to pick up on the fifth ring or later.
If a telephone is connected, and you use it to answer a call that turns out to be a fax, wait until the
product's LCD screen displays a message that a connection has been made before hanging up.
Parent topic: Receiving Faxes
Receiving Faxes Manually
You can set up your product to receive faxes manually by turning off Auto Answer mode. This lets you
check for a fax tone on the connected telephone before receiving a fax.
1. When the connected telephone rings, answer the call.
You see this message on your product's LCD screen: