Appendix F Barcode Quick Reference
1. Introduction
The barcode print facility is available in all three emulations.
2. Programming
There are three escape sequences to print barcodes
- The first sequence is to define the Barcode Header. The type of barcode as
well as all parameters are selected by a header. The header does not affect
any parameters outside the barcode application and remains valid until
another header is transmitted or the printer is turned off. This can be done at
any time but before barcode printing.
The header has the following format:
ESC [ ; P ; P ; P ; P ; P ; P 8 z Note: 8 = Space
2 3 4 5 6 7
- In step two, the ESC-sequence "Set Mode Barcode (SMBC)" starts the
barcode printing.
ESC [ ? 0 h
- Finally, the ESC-sequence "Reset Mode Barcode (RMBC)" will stop printing.
ESC [ ? 0 l
Note: Between SMBC and RMBC are only printable characters tolerated (no CR
or LF).
2.1 Barcode Header
Format Function/Parameter Hex Code
BH Barcode Header 1B 5B 3B P 3B P 3B P
P = Barcode type; 3B P 3B P 3B P 20 7A
P = Height of barcode;
P = Width of thin bars;
P = Width of thin gaps;
P = Ratio width to height;
P = Uni/Bidirectional printing
2 3 4
5 6 7
SMBC Start of Barcode 1B 5B 3F 30 68
RMBC Stop Barcode 1B 5B 3F 30 6C