EPSON EPL-6200/EPL-6200L Revision A
Product Description Paper Feed Specifications (Only for EPL-6200L) 59
1.9.3 Case List
The table below shows a case list of paper feed specifications for each paper size.
“-” means “Don't care”.
The User setting size (A) and the Printer paper size (B) determine whether the Paper Set error occurs or not.
The User setting size (A) and the MP Tray paper size (C) determine whether the Check Paper Size error occurs or not.
Differences between the Printer paper size (B) and the MP Tray paper size (C) do not influence each error occurrence.
Other exceptions: See Check Paper Size of
“Details of Warning Status and Processing (p.53)”
1.9.4 Special Notes
When the User defined size is specified for the User setting size, the Check Paper Size error does not occur.
When the Printer paper size is undefined, the Check Paper Size error occurs in some cases.
Table 1-59. Case List
User setting size A Printer paper size B MP Tray paper size C Relation between B and C Paper Set error Check Paper Size error Printer paper size after printing
User defined size Standard
Does not occur Does not occur B: No resizing
Undefined Does not occur Does not occur Undefined (no resizing)
Standard paper size A = B
A = C
(B = C) Does not occur Does not occur B: No resizing
A not = B (B not = C) Occurs Does not occur A
Undefined - Does not occur Does not occur Undefined (no resizing)
A = B
A not = C
(B not = C) Does not occur Occurs Undefined
B=C Occurs Occurs Undefined
A not = B B not = C Occurs Occurs Undefined
Undefined - Does not occur Occurs Undefined