12 Printing From a Memory Card
Printing From a Memory Card
The Epson Stylus CX6000 Series all-in-one lets you print color photos directly
from your digital camera’s memory card; just insert it into a memory card slot on
the CX6000 Series and you’re ready to print.
If your digital camera supports DPOF (Digital Print Order Format), you can
pre-select the photos you want to print while the card is still in the camera. Then,
when you insert the card in the CX6000 Series, it knows which photos to print
and how many copies of each.
See these sections:
■ “Compatible Cards and Image Formats” (see below)
■ “Inserting the Card” on page 14
■ “Selecting Photos From the Screen” on page 15
■ “Printing an Index Sheet to Select Photos” on page 16
■ “Printing All Photos or DPOF Photos” on page 18
■ “Printing the Date on Photos” on page 19
For instructions on copying memory card files between your CX6000 Series and a
computer or other device, see the User’s Guide.