Solving Problems
If you have a problem with your Stylus Photo RX620, check the messages on the
RX620 screen, run a nozzle check (see page 58), or see “Problems and Solutions”
See these sections:
■ “Problems and Solutions” below
■ “Where To Get Help” on page 72
Problems and Solutions
Check the solutions below if you’re having trouble using your RX620.
Setup and Software Installation Problems
It’s a good idea to check Epson’s web site periodically for possible updates to your
software. Visit http://support.epson.com and check the section for your product to see
if there is new software available for downloading to your computer.
The Stylus Photo RX620 makes noise after you turn it on.
■ Make sure the orange print head lock is not blocking the print head (it should
be stored away from the print head as shown on the Start Here sheet).
■ Make sure the scanner lock is in the unlocked position, as shown on the Start
Here sheet.
After releasing the print head or scanner lock, turn off the Stylus Photo RX620,
wait a moment, then turn it back on.