©SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 2008-2009. All rights reserved.
Item Explanation
RTS/CTS Threshold
Specify the threshold (number of bytes) between 0 and 2347. Data with its frame
size larger than this value performs the RTS/CTS handshake. If you are not
suffering from performance loss caused by some hidden terminals, you can specify
a larger value for this to improve overall throughput. The initial value may vary
depending on the kind of network interface used. The value of 0 for this means the
RTS/CTS handshake control is always on.
Find the best threshold value for your environment by monitoring your wireless LAN
Enable the roaming
Select this check box to enable roaming among multiple access points.
AP Density
Select Medium or High if your node switches access points too frequently due to
the high density of access points in your area. This reduces noise or interference
and minimizes the frequency with which roaming takes place.
Set fragment
If a data frame fails to reach its destination, it needs to be re-transmitted. Select this
check box if you want the data to be broken into smaller chunks when they are
transmitted. This improves performance when there is high traffic on the wireless
LAN. You specify the packet size in the Fragment Threshold field.
If you clear this check box, a data frame is transmitted as a whole.
Fragment Threshold
Specify the threshold value (in bytes, between 256 and 2346) for fragmentation to
occur. Data is transmitted in pieces so that its size does not exceed this value. It
defaults to 2346 bytes.
OK button Click the OK button to save new settings.
Cancel button Click the Cancel button to discard any changes.