EPSON Stylus Scan 2500 Revision A
Product Description Interfaces 22
Any items not included in this manual and/or the user’s guide shall be in
compliance with the Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.0
Configuration - the scanner supports the following configurations
The scanner must support almost all standard device requests. The
scanner does not support vendor specific requests.
Table 1-8. Scanner Configuration for USB
Element Description
Full Speed Mode (12Mbit/s)
Class: Vendor-specific
Subclass: Vendor-specific
Protocol: Vendor-specific
Vendor ID: 0x04B8 (Seiko Epson Corp.)
Product ID: 0x0106
Number of possible configurations: 1
Number of interfaces supported by this configuration: 1
Characteristics: Self-powered (Remote wake-up feature not
Max. power consumption from VBUS: 2mA (5V)
No alternate setting
Number of endpoints used by this interface (excluding
endpoint 0):2
Class: Vendor specific
Subclass: Vendor specific
Protocol: Vendor specific
Bulk IN transfer
Max. data transfer size: 64 bytes
Bulk OUT transfer
Max. data transfer size: 64 bytes
String Descriptor
Language ID: English, US
1: iManufacturer “EPSON”
2: iProduct “Scanner Stylus Scan 2500”