Functions & Installation 1. Safety
6 TP1 Rev.5
EN 894-3
Safety of machinery - Ergonomics requirements for the
design of displays and control actuators - Part 3: Control
EN 954-1
(ISO 13849-1)
Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems
-- Part 1: General principles for design
EN 60204-1
Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of machines.
General requirements
UL 508
(=CSA C22.2 No.14)
Industrial Control Panels
EN 50178
Electronic equipment for use in power installations
EN 61131-1 (IEC1131-1)
Programmable controllers - Part 1: General information
EN 61131-2 (IEC1131-2)
Programmable controllers; part 2: equipment requirements
and tests
UL 1740
Industrial robots and robotic equipment
ANSI/RIA R15.06,
American National Standard; Industrial Robots and Robot
Systems - Safety Requirements
ISO 11161
Industrial automation systems - Safety of integrated
manufacturing systems - Basic requirements
EN 12417
Machine tools. Safety. Machining centers
EN 14070
Safety of machine tools - Transfer and special-purpose