22 Fixed Wireless Terminal: G32 & G36
EDGE/GPRS data access type allows you to make outgoing connec-
tions only, usually to connect to the Internet. Your GSM network opera-
tor provides you with an Internet connection as part of the EDGE/GPRS
Warning: The EDGE /GPRS data communication service has to
be registered with your network operator. Otherwise, the network
will not accept EDGE connections.
If your SIM card supports EDGE/GPRS, your network operator will sup-
ply you with a user name and password in order to access the EDGE/
GPRS network if necessary, and optionally, to improve the Internet con-
nection, a DNS address and a proxy address. All these settings will
allow you to configure the Dial-up Networking program in your PC in
order to establish an EDGE/GPRS connection.
Note: This procedure is similar to the way you configure an Inter-
net connection from a specific ISP (Internet Service Provider).
If your network operator has provided you with an installation guide,
please follow the instructions included in the guide.
Otherwise, the present manual explains the installation process. As the
Dialup Networking is different for Windows™ 2000, Windows™ XP and
Windows™ 2003 three separate descriptions are provided. Please refer
to the topic PC Data Configurations documented on page 34 for more
detailed information.
If you encounter problems during installation, please contact your dis-
tributor or network operator.
GSM data
GSM data is charged by time, this means you pay for the time you are
connected. You need a SIM card that support GSM data.
The GSM data access type allows you to make both incoming and out-
going data calls, in the same way as with a fixed line. Therefore, you can
connect to the Internet using the same ISP (Internet Service Provider)
that you would use with a fixed line.
Note: You will not be able to make or receive other calls while a
GSM data communication is established.
The SIM card must support GSM data. The network operator does not
need to supply any specific information, and it is your ISP who provides
you with the user name, password and installation information in order
to establish an Internet connection. Please contact your ISP for installa-
tion instructions.
Note: Your PC should be configured in the same way as if using
a fixed line, please check also that are you using the latest driver
for the modem.