Web Browser Control
Figure 10 Alarms Web Page
5.3.4 Customization Web Page
The Customization web page provides access to the list of licenses enabled on the
equipment and to enable further licenses (as purchased) by entering the custom key
Figure 11 Customization Web Page
5.3.5 CA
The CA web page allows viewing and modification of the Conditional Access (CA)
user settings for:
• Director - allows the user to view the current settings for the Director and to
activate or deactivate various functions as required.
• BISS - allows the user to view and modify the settings for Basic Interoperable
Scrambling System (BISS). These are Mode 1, Mode E Fixed, Mode E Ericsson,
Mode E User One, Mode E User Two. Mode 1 uses an unencrypted key for the
BISS key. Mode E uses an encrypted key, which uses either an internal code
word or User One or User Two to decrypt, depending on the mode.
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