Do you have a static IP address? ______________
A Static IP address means you use the same IP address every time you connect to the Internet.
With a static IP address, other Internet users always know the address of your location and can
easily connect with it. This makes it much simpler to host a website, email server, or other type of
server connection. Everfocus suggests using a static IP address. If this is not available, you will
need to use a dynamic IP address. This is explained below.
Do you have a dynamic IP address? ______________
A Dynamic IP address means your IP address changes each time you connect to the Internet. We
recommend asking your Internet service provider for a Static IP address. If this is not a possibility,
you may use the DDNS feature of the DVR. DDNS stands for Dynamic Domain Name Server, a
service that provides a central database where IP information can be stored and retrieved. It allows
those using a dynamic IP address to be registered centrally so users can connect to it by name.
See Chapter 8 for details on using EverFocus DDNS.
What type of DVR are you installing? ______________
Everfocus EDR series: EDR 410, 810, 920, 1620, 1640, or 1680
Everfocus EDVR series: EDVR 4D1, 9D1, 16D1, 16D3
Everfocus ECOR series: ECOR 4, 8
6.6 What is your Network Setup?
Everfocus DVR’s can operate using one of three types of networking connections.
1. Simple One to One Connection: A simple one to one connection is the simplest type of network
connection. It uses a cross-over cable to make a direct connection from one computer to another
(or in this case a computer to a DVR).
2. Direct High Speed Modem Connection: A direct modem connection uses a standard network cable
to connect the modem directly to a computer (or in this case a modem to the DVR). This type of
connection only covers single-port modems. For a combination modem/router, use the setup
described below.
3. Router or LAN Connection – A local area network connection requires either a router or a pre-
existing LAN connection. This is the most common type of connection. A router allows multiple
computers and DVR’s to access each other as well as the Internet. It assigns different internal IP
addresses to the computers.