PPPoE: For direct connection to DSL ONLY. Verify with your ISP if they use PPPoE.
User name: user name at ISP (only visible if PPPoE is selected)
Password: password at ISP (only visible if PPPoE is selected)
IP: This field shows the DVR’s current IP Address. A static IP address must be set manually. If DHCP or
PPPoE is selected, this value will be assigned automatically (no manual modification).
Subnet Mask: This field shows the subnet mask for your network so the DVR will be recognized within the
network. If DHCP or PPPoE is selected, this value will be assigned automatically.
Gateway: This field shows the gateway on your network for the DVR to use when communicating with any
devices not on the local network. If DHCP or PPPoE is selected, this value will be assigned automatically.
DNS Server 1: This field shows the primary DNS server for your network. If DHCP is selected and an
internet connection is available, this value should be assigned automatically. This field must have a valid
DNS address in order to use the DDNS feature (see Sections 4.6.3 and 7 DDNS for more detail).
DNS Server 2: This field shows the secondary DNS server for your network.
HTTP Port: Port number for HTTP/WEB communication.
Bandwidth Limit: Specify, disabled / 128 K/ 256 K / 512 K / 768K/ 1M / 3M bps. This is the maximum
bandwidth that the DVR is allowed to use on the network. This is a useful function when connecting the
DVR to busy or heavily loaded networks, or when accessing the DVR(s) over a WAN.
Enable 3GPP Streaming (Unprotected): Check this box to allow unrestricted external connection of
mobile phones, and other rtsp capable devices for viewing via 3GPP/rtsp streaming.
4.7.2 EMAIL
Figure 4-24 Network Menu – Email