1. Enter the name of the application in the appropriate Application Name
2. Next to the name of the application, enter the number of the external port
used by the server in the Ext. Port column. Check with the Internet
application software documentation for more information.
3. On the same line, select the protocol UDP or TCP.
4. Enter the number of the internal port used by the server in the Int. Port
column. Check with the Internet application software documentation for more
5. Enter the IP address of the server that you want the Internet users to be
able to access.
6. Check the Enable box to enable the services you have defined. UPnP
Forwarding will not function if the Enable button is left unchecked. This is
disabled (unchecked) by default.
DVR 8100 TCP 80 Enable
DVR 8100 UDP 80 Enable
¾ To access the DVR from a computer simply open Internet Explorer and
in the address bar type:
http:// IP address of your internet service provider: 8100
Dynamic DNS
The Router offers a Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) feature. DDNS
lets you assign a fixed host and domain name to a dynamic Internet IP address. It is
useful when you are hosting your own website, FTP server, or other server behind the
Router. Before you can use this feature, you need to sign up for DDNS service at
www.dyndns.org, DDNS service providers.