Q. How can I erase everything from My Hard Drive?
A. You can do a disk renew under Disk menu for EDSR 1600/900/600/400F
Q. I am recording on motion only, but only getting a few hours of recording time on my
Hard Drive. Why?
A. If you are recording on motion only, you need to turn ON Permanent recording option from
record setting menu and permanent recording speed select as low IPS such as 0.5 IPS.
Q. How can I erase everything from my Flash card?
A. You can erase you flash card by using your computer through the card reader also you can
go to system setting menu and do a CF renew.
Q. Can I use a DVD burner with my DVR?
A. Yes, you can use our DVD burner (Part # VP DVD-100) for EDSR series.
Q. I can not stop recording on my DVR.
A. Make sure your Timer, Motion, Alarm and Record menu, everything sets OFF. Then exit
out of the menu by pressing menu twice and press Stop.
Q. Do I need to stop recording to do a play back?
A. This DVR is a duplex unit so you can playback while it is recording.
Q. Can I do schedule motion recording on my EDSR?
A. You can not schedule a motion recording on out EDSR series.
Q. When I zoom in I can go only right and left how can I go up and down?
A. To go UP and Down press Enter. To go back to right and left, press Enter again.
Q. How can I change to different viewing screen?
A. By pressing mode you can go to different viewing screen.
Q. How can I select different cameras in different quadrant?
A. You can press the Select button and then press the desired camera button to display the
desired camera in the quadrant.
Q. How can I enable my password on my EDSR 900/1600/400F/600 after exiting out of
A. Once you enable the password from System Setting menu, exit out of the menu then press
the Select button and hold it for 3 seconds to activate the password for the front panel. This will
put you in level 1mode.
Q. How long that “System loading” should be displayed?
A. System loading should not be displaying for more than one minute.
Q. My call monitor pictures are too bright but my main monitor pictures are good.
A. It may be that your camera inputs are on the on the wrong row. Make sure they are
connected on the Input row, not on the output row.
Q. What is the maximum cable distance for RS-485 communications?
A. The maximum recommended distance of 24AWG RS-485 cable is 1,000 meters (3,280 feet)
without repeaters.