9.3.3 Search by Video Slide Bar
1. Grab Video Slide Bar cursor to move to desired position.
2. Click to magnify the time frame. Click to reduce the time frame. Every click changes the
time frame to 5 min, 1hr and 12hr.
9.4 Archive and Snapshot
9.4.1 Archive Video from Video Window
EMVPlayer can archive video into AVR file. However, archive functions are
not designed to save long time video. Archive to AVR file should always be
limited to the minimum time range.
1. Set desired Date/Time on Date/Time search drop-down box. Click on
the value to be adjusted first, then use up/Down arrows to adjust
2. Select which camera to be archived by clicking on the channel number.
3. Browse the destination folder where the archive video will be saved to.
4. Press “Archive” button to start archiving. Or press “Cancel” to cancel
this action.
9.4.2 Snapshot Image
Press button to snapshot image into JPEG file.
2. Browse the destination folder where the snapshot image will be saved to.
3. Press “Save” button to save image. Or press “Cancel” to cancel this action.