
blocks represent activated areas, while transparent blocks represent unactivated areas.
Confirm and save the parameters after successful setting.
2.6 PTZ setup
2.6.1 Channel setup
Enter from the Main menu to Channel setup. The channel setup interface contains the
channel No., channel name, PTZ protocol, PTZ baud rate, PTZ address and color
Video channel: Select the channel. 1-16 is
Channel Name: Enter the channel name.
Chinese, English, digit and special characters
can be entered.
PTZ protocol : Its used to achieve the
communication with the PTZ. Mainly supported
baud rate: PELCO-D ,PELCO-P and EverFocus.
PTZ Baud Rate: Select an appropriate baud
PTZ ID: PTZ address code range is 0-255.
Color Setup: Through the brightness, contrast, saturation, chromaticity setup to
adjust channel display effect.
Position: Adjust the position of the image on the channel
Copy】:After the parameters of a centain channel and all parameters of other
channels are consistent with this channel, the parameter of this channel can be copied
to other channels through this function.
2.6.2 PTZ Control
Right-click to enter the preview screen and select "PTZ control" in the pop-up shortcut
menu, and enter the PTZ control interface (below):
Directional keys are used to control the moving
direction of dome. PTZ button can control
automatic rotation of common PTZ. Lens zoom,
focus, IRIS can be adjusted respectively by using
increase "+" reduce "-" buttons. PTZs moving
speed is adjustable and the value range is 09.
Use the preset: enter the corresponding preset
value and the dome lens can be adjusted to the
appropriate position; set the preset position: Enter the corresponding preset number ,
the targeted position of the dome camera can be set as preset points. Click the REC
PATH on the interface ( the button will display END PATH after clicking). Click the "
TRACK" (after clicking, it changes to "End track"). The PTZ will operate according to
track set and click the "End tracking", and the PTZ will stop.
2.7 Network
2.7.1 Basic
Enter from the Main menu to Network setup. Network setup is divided into Basic setup