Evolution MK-425C/449C/461C Advanced User Guide
In the MK-425C/449C/461C Advanced Guide we have made the assumption that you
have been through the Getting Started Guide which should have been supplied in
printed form with your keyboard. If you do not have this guide, please contact your
local distributor or download it from our website www.evolution.co.uk
The Getting Started Guide should insure that you are now familiar with the basic
operation of the keyboard so that we now can focus on more in-depth features.
First however, we need to explain some terminology we use throughout the guide.
Edit Mode
Edit Mode describes the short period after a function button has been pressed during
which the parameters of that function can be altered. The numeric keypad can be
used to alter a parameter during this time. No data is sent out of the Evolution
MK-425C/449C/461C when it is in Edit mode except for program and bank changes.
LCD symbols shown in Edit mode will flash to show you that a particular parameter
can be edited. If a number is part entered, and a new controller turned, that number
will become the relevant parameter number for the new controller and the 3 second
editing period will re-trigger.
Default mode
Default Mode describes the state of the keyboard, when no function buttons have
been pressed within the last 3 seconds. In Default mode, the LCD will show the
controller symbol, and the 2 digit display will show the last selected controller. The 3
digits display the currently assigned MIDI CC number.
About The Advanced Guide
Evolution MK-425C/449C/461C Advanced User Guide
Appendix F - Roland GS and Yamaha XG NRPN Sup-
port to Roland JV/XP
CC99 CC98 CC06 CC38
01 08 00-7F n/a (-64 - 0 - +63) Vibrato Rate (relative change)
01 09 00-7F n/a (-64 - 0 - +63) Vibrato Depth (relative change)
01 0A 00-7F n/a (-64 - 0 - +63) Vibrato Delay (relative change)
01 20 00-7F n/a (-64 - 0 - +63) Filter Cutoff Freq. (relative change)
01 21 00-7F n/a (-64 - 0 - +63) Filter Resonance (relative change)
01 63 00-7F n/a (-64 - 0 - +63) EG (TVF&TVA) Attack Time (relative change)
01 64 00-7F n/a (-64 - 0 - +63) EG (TVF&TVA) Decay Time (relative change)
01 66 00-7F n/a (-64 - 0 - +63) EG (TVF&TVA) Release Time (relative change)
*14 00-7F 00-7F n/a (-64 - 0 - +63) Drum Filter Cutoff Freq. (relative change)
*15 00-7F 00-7F n/a (-64 - 0 - +63) Drum Filter Resonance (relative change)
*16 00-7F 00-7F n/a (-64 - 0 - +63) Drum EG Attack Rate (relative change)
*17 00-7F 00-7F n/a (-64 - 0 - +63) Drum EG Decay Rate (relative change)
18 00-7F 00-7F n/a (-64 - 0 - +63) Drum Instrument Pitch Coarse (relative change)
*19 00-7F 00-7F n/a (-64 - 0 - +63) Drum Instrument Pitch Fine (relative change)
1A 00-7F 00-7F n/a (0 to Max) Drum Instrument Level (absolute change)
1C 00-7F 00-7F n/a (Random, L>C>R) Drum Instrument Panpot (absolute change)
1D 00-7F 00-7F n/a (0 to Max) Drum Instrument Reverb Send Level (absolute change)
1E 00-7F 00-7F n/a (0 to Max) Drum Instrument Chorus Send Level (absolute change)
%1F 00-7F 00-7F n/a (0 to Max) Drum Instrument Variation Send Level (absolute change)
* = added by Yamaha XG; % changed from Delay to Variation by Yamaha XG
Appendix G - General MIDI Reverb and Chorus
Reverb Types
0: Small Room
1: Medium Room
2: Large Room
3: Medium Hall
4: Large Hall
8: Plate
Chorus Types
0: Chorus 1
1: Chorus 2
2: Chorus 3
3: Chorus 4
4: FB Chorus
5: Flanger