EX470-en-GB_v5.6 4/15
1. Set the function switch to the black Type K ºC or ºF position.
2. Insert the Temperature Probe into the input jacks, making sure to observe the
correct polarity.
3. Touch the Temperature Probe head to the part whose temperature you wish to
measure. Keep the probe touching the part under test until the reading stabilizes
(about 30 seconds).
4. Read the temperature in the display.
Note: The temperature probe is fitted with a type K mini connector. A mini connector
to banana connector adaptor is supplied for connection to the input banana
1. Set the function switch to the red IR Non-Contact ºC or ºF position.
2. Point the meter at the surface to be measured.
3. If needed, press the red IR Laser Pointer button to locate the exact spot being measured.
4. The area of the surface to be measured must be larger than the spot size as determined by the
distance to spot size specification.
5. Read the temperature in the display.
WARNING: Do not directly view or direct the laser pointer at an eye. Low power visible lasers
do not normally present a hazard, but may present some potential for hazard if viewed directly for
extended periods of time.
Diameter of Spot
Distance to Object