SIS Command and Response Table for IP Control Port
Command ASCII (Telnet)
(host to processor)
URL Encoded (Web)
(host to processor)
(processor to host)
Additional description
Ethernet data port
Set current connection
port timeout
E0 *X6( TC}
W 0 %2A X6( TC
Pti 0 * X6( ]
View current connection
port timeout
E0TC }
X6( ]
Set global IP port timeout
E1 * X6( TC }
W 1%2AX6(TC
Pti1 * X6( ]
View global IP port
E1TC }
X6( ]
Firmware version requests
NOTE: An asterisk (*) after the version number indicates the version currently running. Caret (^) indicates bad checksum/invalid load. Question marks (?) indicate version not
Query firmware version Q or 1Q Q or 1Q
X1! ]
Show the processor’s firmware version
number (
X1!) to two decimal places. Gives
the number of the currently running version
of the user-updatable firmware.
Query verbose version
0Q 0Q All responses
from 2Q-3Q-4Q
Show bootstrap, factory-installed, and
updated rmware versions. (See 2Q, 3Q,
and 4Q, below.)
Example: 1Q 1Q 1.01
Query bootstrap version 2Q 2Q
X1! ]
The bootstrap firmware is not user-
replaceable but you may need this
information for troubleshooting.
Example: 2Q 2Q 0.06
Query factory firmware
3Q 3Q
X1!(plus web ver.-
Factory-installed firmware is not user
replaceable. This firmware is the version
the processor reverts to after a mode 1 reset
(see “Operation” section).
Example: 3Q 3Q 1.00(1.37-DVS 605
Series -Fri, 12 Aug
2012 03:28:10 GMT)
In this example, the factory firmware version
is 1.00, (the kernel version 1.37), for the
DVS 605, dated 12 August, 2012.
NOTE: X1! = Version number (listed to 2 decimal places)
X6( = The number of seconds before timeout on the IP connection: (min = 1; max = 65000; default = 30 = 300 seconds)
DVS 605 • SIS Communication and Control 49