Remote Operation, cont’d
MAV 44 / 48 / 84 / 88 Matrix Switchers • Remote Operation4-18
10. When prompted, confirm that the firmware version displayed in the firmware
loader is correct. Click Ok in the Firmware Update prompt window to exit the
firmware loader utility.
11. Version 1.xx firmware upload — A status
window appears that shows the progress of the
download to the switcher. The firmware
download may take a few minutes. The status
window advances to 100% and then clears when the download is complete.
The switcher performs an initialization that blinks the front panel LEDs on
and off from left to right. A successful initialization leaves the power LED on,
(audio/video models only) the on and/or off selection of the Video and
Audio LEDs the same as before the download, and all other LEDs off.
Do not interrupt the download before the download status window shows the
download is 100% complete. Interrupting the download corrupts the firmware
and the switcher will not operate properly afterwards. In this condition, the
firmware upload can be accomplished only by using the SIS commands. See
“SIS command firmware upload”, on page 4-9.
Windows buttons, drop boxes, and the trash can
The buttons on the right side of the window perform the following functions:
Power — Unavailable for the MAV switcher, because the switcher
power cannot be controlled via software.
Executive mode (front panel security lockout) — Allows you to lock
out front panel operations, except for the view-only mode
Presets drop box — Displays a list of up to 16 presets. You can select
a preset from the list to display it in the window and either
activate it (Go) or delete it (Delete).
Go — Activates the selected preset as the current configuration.
Save as — Allows the current set of ties to be saved as a preset. Enter
the preset number when prompted to do so.
Delete — Allows you to delete a selected preset.
Changes – Take — Allows you to apply any changes made to the
displayed configuration.
Changes – Cancel — Returns to the previous screen, undoing any
changes you have made.
Trash can — Drag and drop from an input or output button to the
trash can to unmake all ties associated with that input or