RGB 201 Rxi Universal Interface • Remote Control
Remote Control, cont’d
Remote Control
The interface’s rear panel Remote connector (Figure 3-1) can
be connected to the serial port output of a host device, such as
a computer or control system. Remote communications with
the switcher are via Extron’s Simple Instruction Set or Extron’s
Windows-based control program.
Pin RS-232 Function
2TX Transmit data (-)
3RX Receive data (+)
5 Gnd Signal ground
7— —
8— —
9— —
Figure 3-1 — Remote connector pinout
The RS-232 protocol of the rear panel Remote connector is 9600
baud, 1 stop bit, no parity, and no ow control.
Simple Instruction Set Control
Host-to-interface communications
SIS commands consist of one or more characters per eld. No
special characters are required to begin or end a command
sequence. When a command is valid, the interface executes
the command and sends a response to the host device. All
responses from the interface to the host end with a carriage
return and a line feed (CR/LF =
), which signals the end of the
response character string. A string is one or more characters.
Interface-initiated messages
When a local event such as a front panel or contact closure
selection or adjustment takes place, the interface sends a
message to the host. No response is required from the host. The
interface-initiated messages are listed here (underlined).
(C) Copyright 2002, Extron Electronics, RGB 201 Rxi, Vx.xx
The interface displays the copyright message when it rst
powers on. Vx.xx is the rmware version number.
When a change is made via a front panel control or another
operation occurs that must be written to a new memory block,
the interface sends the reconguration message. No response is
required from the RS-232 host, but the host may request a new
status listing via the request information command (I/i). See the
command/response table in this chapter for details.