
Copying Config Files Using Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer does not automatically save the SMD101 config files to the host computer
(see Configuration panel on page37), but attempts to open them instead. The box.cfg
and ip.cfg files must be saved using a text file copy.
To save a configuration file using IE:
1. Open the web-interface for the SMD101 (see Accessing the Web-based User
Interface on page14).
2. Open the Advanced Configuration page (see Advanced Configuration Page on
3. Save the box configuration file (see Firmware Loader on page36).
4. When the configuration file is saved, a new browser tab automatically opens and
displays the contents of the configuration text file.
5. Press <CTL+A> (or triple-click anywhere in the text line) to select the entire contents of
the file, then <CTL+C> to copy the full text to the clipboard.
6. Open a text program (such as Notepad) and paste the text line using <CTL+V> or
Edit>Paste from the toolbar.
7. Choose a location for the file, then select File>SaveAs from the toolbar.
8. In the Save As dialog, rename the file box.cfg.
9. Click Save.
To save the IP configuration file:
1. Repeat steps 1 to 3 choosing the IP Config option in step 3.
2. Continue with steps 4 to 7.
3. Rename the file IP.cfg in step 8.
4. Click Save.
The two files (box.cfg and ip.cfg) are now ready for use.
To return to the SMD101 web interface, click Back in the IE browser.
User > Downloads
SMD101 • Reference Information 92