
To move the printed image toward the leading edge of the card, or card output side
of the printer, press the On/Cancel button to enter a negative value. To move the
printed image toward the trailing edge of the card, or card input side of the printer,
press the Pause/Resume button to enter a positive value. Notice the arrows on
these buttons indicate the direction the printed image will move on the card. The
maximum adjustment range is ± 32 pixels. As a rule, 10 pixels equals about
.030Ó/.8mm which is about the same as the thickness of a standard CR-80 size card.
Keep this in mind when adjusting this option so you do not over-adjust. If you set
too high of a negative value, for example, the print ribbon may break.
Magnetic Offset
-< 00 >+
This option applies only if the printer has a built-in magnetic stripe encoder. If so,
this option allows you to shift the starting point of where the printer will begin
encoding the magnetic track data on a cardÕs magnetic stripe. When adjusting this
value, keep in mind that a card and its magnetic stripe will always remain in the
same relative position as the card travels through the printer. The following
diagram represents how the magnetic data will move in relation to the fixed
position of a cardÕs magnetic stripe as a positive or negative Magnetic Offset value
is entered.
To move the start of the magnetic data more toward the leading edge of the card, or
card output side of the printer, press the On/Cancel button to enter a negative
value. To move the start of the magnetic data toward the trailing edge of the card,
or card input side of the printer, press the Pause/Resume button to enter a positive
value. Notice the arrows on these buttons indicate the direction the magnetic data
will move on the cardÕs magnetic stripe. The maximum adjustment range is ± 32
pixels. As a rule, 10 pixels equals about .030Ó/.8mm. Keep this in mind when
adjusting this option so you do not over-adjust. If you set too high of a negative
value, for example, the printer may start encoding before the cardÕs magnetic stripe
reaches the encoding head.
Appendix C: Internal Printer Settings 85
4250/4225 Card Printer UserÕs Manual
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