
RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
HDP600 High Definition Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 2.5)
Resolving a Ribbon Break/Jam Error (continued)
Step Procedure
2 Open the front cover and remove the Ribbon.
If Ribbon is broken, continue to Step 3.
If Ribbon is in good condition, continue to Step 6.
3 Adjust the print offset. See the Aligning the Print Offset procedure.
If the issue persists, continue to Step 4.
4 Repair the Ribbon and wind up the take-up roll 4 color panels past the
damage area.
a. Press on the Resume button.
b. If the issue persists, continue to Step 5.
5 Use the Fargo Diagnostic utility to cycle the Printhead to ensure proper
printhead operation. See the Card tab (Diagnostic button) in the Printer
If the Printhead does not cycle properly, see Resolving the Headlift
Motor / Sensor Error.
If the Printhead functions properly, continue to Step 6.
6 Replace the Ribbon.
a. Press on the Resume button.
b. If the issue persists, continue to Step 7.
7 Remove the rear cover in order to check that the Ribbon Encoder Sensor is
securely connected to the J-4 Main Board connection and to the Encoder
a. Press on the Resume button.
b. If the issue persists, replace the Encoder Sensor.