Resolving the Card Jam: Mag Error / Smart Error Message
Symptoms: The Card Jam: Mag Error or Card Jam: Smart Error is displayed on the LCD.
Step Procedure
1 Look for a jammed card in the Printer.
a. Open the Printer’s top cover.
b. Remove the ribbon from the Printer.
c. Check to see if a card is jammed in the print station of the Printer.
d. If a card is jammed in the Printer, use the Pause / Resume button, and the
On / Cancel buttons to move the feed Rollers and free the card. (Note: The
card can then be fed out of the Printer.)
Resolving the Card Jam: Flip Error Message
Symptom: A Card Jam: Flip Error is displayed on the LCD.
Step Procedure
1 Run a Self-test.
a. Clear any card jams.
b. Unplug power from the Printer.
c. While holding down the Pause / Resume button, reapply power.
d. Release the Pause / Resume button once the self-test has begun.
(Note: A test card will be printed.)
e. If successful, this will ensure proper flipper operation on a simple double-
sided print.
Persona® C25 Card Printer User Guide (Rev. 4.0)