DSP presets
Ambisonic and Super Stereo DSP
preset parameters
Parameter Options What it changes
Width * 0 to 1 The width of the image.
Position † A, C, E, G, I, K, M The seating position; the
letters are like rows in a
5 Channels 7, 6, 5, 4 The number of speakers.
R Filter Off, 3kHz, 7kHz, The cutoff of high
9kHz frequencies from the rear
S Filter Off, 3kHz, 7kHz, The cutoff of high
9kHz frequencies from the side
* Super Stereo only.
† Ambisonic only.
Music Logic
Music Logic is a music DSP preset with user-adjustable
steering, designed to provide an exciting experience with many
types of studio-produced music.
Music Logic DSP preset parameters
Parameter Options What it changes
Roll Off, Low, Med, High The degree of left-right
Yaw Off, Low, Med, High The degree of front-rear
Mono Rear Steered Rear, Which of the surround
Steered Side, channels are generated
Steered All, by steering.
Mono All, Mono
Rear, Mono Side
DTS Music
DTS Music is a special version of the DTS preset designed with
a lower LFE level of -10dB to match the bass levels applied to
DTS music CDs.