AN-2030: Digital Diagnostic Monitoring Interface for Optical Transceivers F i n i s a r
9/26/02 Revision D Page 25
110 1 LOS Digital state of the LOS Output Pin. Updated within 100msec
of change on pin. This function is implemented in all Finisar
transceivers with digital diagnostic capability.
110 0 Data_Ready_Bar Indicates transceiver has achieved power up and data is
ready. Bit remains high until data is ready to be read at
which time the device sets the bit low. This function is
implemented in all Finisar transceivers with digital diagnostic
111 7-0 Reserved Reserved.
The data_ready_bar bit is high during module power up and prior to the first valid A/D
reading. Once the first valid A/D reading occurs, the bit is set low until the device is
powered down. The bit must be set low within 1 second of power up.
Alarm and Warning Flags
Bytes 112 – 119 contain a set of non – latched alarm and warning flags. It is
recommended that detection of an asserted flag bit be verified by a second read of the
flag at least 100msec later. For users who do not wish to set their own threshold values
or read the values in locations 0 - 55, the flags alone can be monitored. Two flag types
are defined.
1) Alarm flags associated with transceiver temperature, supply voltage, TX bias
current, TX output power and received optical power as well as reserved locations
for future flags. Alarm flags indicate conditions likely to be associated with an in-
operational link and cause for immediate action. Please consult the appropriate
Finisar specification sheet for thresholds associated with a particular module.
2) Warning flags associated with transceiver temperature, supply voltage, TX bias
current, TX output power and received optical power as well as reserved locations
for future flags. Warning flags indicate conditions outside the normally guaranteed
bounds but not necessarily causes of immediate link failures. Certain warning flags
may also be defined by the manufacturer as end-of-life indicators (such as for higher
than expected bias currents in a constant power control loop). Please consult the
appropriate Finisar specification sheet for thresholds associated with a particular