
Fabric Watch Users Guide A-3
Example Error Message
Expansion port: eport
Port: port
Fabric copper port: fcuport
Fabric optical port: fopport
Invalid CRCs: CRCs
Link Failures: Link
Protocol Errors: ProtoErr
RX Performance: RXPerf
Loss of Signal: Signal
State Changes: State
Loss of Sync: Sync
TX Performance: TXPerf
Invalid Words: Words
Fabric: fabric Domain ID: DI
E-port down: ED
Fabric login: FL
Fabric<->QL: FQ
Reconfigure: FR
GBIC change: GS
Segmentation: SC
Zoning change: ZC
Name server login: NL
Name server request: NR
Performance alpa monitor: alpa Invalid CRCs: PerfCRC
Performance end to end monitor: EE Invalid CRCs: PerfCRC
TX Performance: PerfTX
RX Performance: PerfRX
Performance filter monitor: filter Filter frame counter: PerfPT