CM6200 Install Guide
Starter System
www.firstechonline.com | www.compustar.com
Copyright 2009 Firstech, LLC.
Page 11
Additional Notes
Reservation mode will be cancelled if the control module recognizes the vehicles door, hood or trunk opening –
or if the alarm is triggered. Each time the end user wants to remote start their manual transmission vehicle, they
must set the control module in reservation mode. Reservation mode settings can be programmed with Option
Version Diagnostics
All the new control modules come with the ability to check which rmware is on the module. This is accom-
plished by turning the ignition on. Then with 2 Way remotes you must hold buttons 1 and 4 together for 2.5 sec-
onds. With the 1 Way remotes you must hold the Lock and Key/Start buttons together for 2.5 seconds. Current
version starts with 1 ash.
Blade Cartridge Slot and Connector
The CM6000 and CM6200. The slot gives you the ability to use the Blade-AL and Blade-TB modules from
Firstech and ADS. With these modules you can virtually eliminate all wire connections between your control
module and bypass module. You only need to connect the main ignition harness and your needed wires on
the 20 pin Blade connector. For more information on how to program and wire the Blade please visit www.
idatalink.com for the specic wiring diagram for that vehicle.
The new CM6 Series the Blade connector has a locking tab. Non-locking tab blade harnesses will work
notches on the top of the harness face the top (CM and barcode sticker side) of the brain. When looking at the
wire side of the harness the two notches must be at the top of the plug.
Blade system includes:
1. Blade-AL or Blade-TB (NOTE: These modules are blank and must be ashed on your computer.)
2. 20 Pin locking wiring harness
3. 3 Pin harness used in some installs
IMPORTANT: Install diagrams are not included and must be downloaded from www.idatalink.com/com-
pustar. When ashing the Blade you can use the Y-Cable OP500 end and not CM4 Series end. ADS and Firstech
recommends using the 4 pin RS232 cable to avoid confusion. Cartridge must be removed to ash the control
module rmware.
NOTE: The ADS-RNG C1, ADS-RNG C2, and ADS-RNG GM3 are not included and must be purchased sepa-
rately. The 20 pin Blade connector comes only with the Blade cartridge and not the CM6 control modules.
WARNING: Manufacturer or seller assumes no responsibility for any injuries and/or damages caused by
improper care of the product such as decomposition, conversion, and transform done by a user voluntarily.
WARNING: There should be no wiring routed around any pedals which can cause a driving hazard.