Before beginning, determine if the controller fitted is a PH5 or PH5.1 controller, as the fault finding procedure is slightly
different for each (See Section 3 - Controller Types).
1. If it is a double product, one tub will be displaying an F9 and the other will most likely be displaying U4. The
U4 indicates that the F9 fault on the other tub means that the U4 tub cannot operate. DO NOT replace the
controller with the U4 fault.
2. Disconnect then reconnect the power to the product at the wall socket. Wait 20 seconds after power up, if a
tub faults F9 in this time then go to Step 3, otherwise skip to Step 5.
3. On the tub with the F9, check the following:
a. Check that the harnesses are completely connected and there is no contamination in the connector -
Especially the ‘POWER’ and ‘DISPENSER’ connections.
b. Measure the resistance of the power resistor (See Section 4.1)
c. Measure the resistance of the detergent diverter (See Section 4.4)
If any components are faulty, replace and go back to Step 2. If all of these components appear OK, go to Step
4. Before replacing the controller, ALL components need to be measured to determine if they are faulty.
a. Measure the resistance of all other components (coils, windings etc) – Section 4.2 to 4.7. Replace
any faulty components before installing a new controller.
b. If on power up the product still produces an F9, check all connections between the chassis board and
controller, check the chassis board for signs of corrosion (See Section 4.9) and if required replace the
chassis board and/or harness.
Replace any faulty components, repeat Step 2 and if no F9 fault appears, go to Step 6.
5. ALL components need to be checked to determine if they are faulty.
5.1 Controllers:
a. Check each component individually in ‘HO’ mode (see Section 5 and 5.1.3).
b. Only run ONE component at a time, if after approximately 5 seconds a long, low tone is played then that
component is faulty or not connected. Reconnect or replace the component. In this case the controller
does NOT need to be replaced.
Note: To adequately test the motor there must be water in the tub.
c. If all components appear OK, and the product is a pre finished LCD model go to (e) if the product is a flat
door or integrated product, then replace the badge isolator.
5.0 Controllers:
a. Measure the resistance of all other components (coils, windings etc) – Section 4.2 to 4.7. If any
components are faulty, then replace the component.
b. Run the fan in ‘HO’ mode. If the fan exhibits poor performance (low air flow), replace the fan.
c. If (a) and (b) find faulty components, replace the controller and go to step 6. Otherwise go to (d).
Both 5.0 & 5.1 Controllers
d. Check the controller for signs of corrosion or burning. If any found, replace controller and harness
(if required) – See Section 4.8.
e. If turning off the bottom tub (power button) causes the top tub to fault F9, check the ‘CHASSIS’ harness
connections are tight (at controller and chassis board) and for chassis board dry joints before replacing
the chassis board – See Section 4.9.
As per Step 5, check all components individually in ‘HO’ mode (see Section 5 and 5.1.3) and then run a Fast
Cycle (see 5.1.3) before leaving the site.